Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Our Big Trip.

Okay, so obviously the task of blogging about our amazing vacation is far too daunting. I've managed to procrastinate for over a month now. But I think about it almost daily and I really do want to share our adventures with you. Over the course of 32 days we traveled through 7 different countries including 13 cities, not including the beautiful states of Massachusetts and Maine, which we visited upon returning to the States. We saw so many wonderful people and took hundreds of fabulous photos and I know you're just dying to read all about it, right??? Well, whether you are or not, I need to document it for myself. I've decided to just take it in little pieces. I will do separate blog posts for each place we visited. That way I can just focus on bits of our trip at a time. It will be easier for me to choose photos and will keep me from writing a horrendously long blog post about our month long vacation that would take you five and a half hours to read. I can't wait to relive it all and I hope you enjoy taking the journey with me.

To see a larger version of this map click here.

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