Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stairclimb 2013.

Hello little blog! Long time no see. I'm trying to be a better steward of my time and have simply chosen not to make the blog a priority in recent weeks. I miss it a bit and definitely have a few things that I want to blog about in the near future -- we'll see if I get around to it :)

I believe Steven is on his way up to the top of the Columbia Tower right now. He's been a little anxious about the climb this year. Work has been busy and there hasn't been as much time for training as there was last year. I'm still counting on him to be a top finisher again this year. I know he's pushing himself really hard. He even created a playlist with carefully selected Muse, Queen, and Cake songs that have a specific number of beats per minute to help him on track :) I'm so proud of him!!

Any last minute donations? Feel free: every little bit counts! I know Steven is so thankful for everyone's support.

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